Barack Obama: Thin-Skinned And Easily Hurt

Let’s think back a few short years ago and remember all the nasty, vile things that were said publically about George W. Bush. All of them were infantile insults and many of the people who uttered them are today invited to be guest speakers at colleges, universities and political events around the United States. Even today, Sarah Palin is to target of a great deal of irrational hatred from the peace-loving and tolerant left. (Note the sarcasm of those last five words.)

So, what happens when Barack Obama is on the receiving end of a few criticisms? Well, first he complains that people are talking about him “like a dog.” But then check out what happens if someone writes a private note with an insult or criticism:

Luke Angel, 17, sent an angry email to the White House after watching a documentary about the September 11 attacks while drunk.

The FBI intercepted the email and contacted police in his home town of Silsoe, Bedfordshire.

Mr Angel has now been placed on a list of people banned from entering the US.

Mr Angel told the Bedfordshire On Sunday newspaper that he was unconcerned about the ban.

“I don’t really care. My parents aren’t very happy about it,” the paper quoted Mr Angel as saying.

“The police who came round took my picture and told me I was banned from America forever.”

Mr Angel told the newspaper he had called Mr Obama a “prick”, but he could not remember exactly what he had written because he was “drunk and high”.

A “prick.” During the 2008 election, Democrats were wearing tee-shirts that read: “Sarah Palin is a cunt.” None of them ever had any law-enforcement people come after them.

And neither Sarah Palin nor President Bush ever uttered one single word of complaint about any of it.

But a 17-year-old gets banned from the U.S, for hurting Obama’s feelings?

Barack Obama needs to grow up and put on his big-boy shorts. The Democrats need a consistent set of standards too.

Teen banned from US for insulting Obama
ABC News
September 14, 2010

Video Trailer: I Want Your Money (2010)

Excellent video. I love the comparisons between Reagan and Obama. I also love the part where Nancy Pelosi is promising no legislation or spending that adds to the deficit.

“We could say they spend like drunken sailors. But that would be unfair to drunken sailors ’cause the sailors are spending their own money.” – Ronald Reagan.

James Freeman: Glenn Beck’s ‘Happy Warriors’

Despite all the claims by leftists like Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, et. al., the Restoring Honor rally was the most peacful and good-mannered that D.C. has seen since, well, has ever seen period.

There was no hate. And the claims of it being an all-white crowd were quashed with the presence of a large number of African-Americans and their families, including Harry R. Jackson. (I know Rev. Jackson was there because I saw him in a video of the event, a video that Keith Olbermann either never knew existed or, more likely, deliberately chose to ignore.)

Anyway, James Freeman of the Wall Street Journal has a fantastic summary of what he saw and heard at the rally.

From his column:

This army of well-mannered folks that marched into Washington seemed comprised mainly of people who had once marched in the U.S. Army or other military branch, or at least had a family member who had. Perhaps that’s not surprising, given that the event was a fund-raiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which provides scholarships to the children of elite troops killed in the performance of their duty. The day was largely devoted to expressions of gratitude for the sacrifices of U.S. soldiers, for great men of American history like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and for God.

But it didn’t end there. Dave Roever, a Vietnam veteran, offered a closing prayer in which he thanked the Lord for the president and for the Congress. Despite the unpopularity of the latter two, no booing or catcalls could be heard.

Perhaps feeling defensive about how they would be portrayed in media reports, various attendees wore t-shirts noting that they were “Not violent” or “Non-violent.” For other participants, there was no need for an explicit message. Relaxed young parents felt comfortable enough to push toddlers in strollers through the crowded areas along the memorial’s reflecting pool.

If Olbermann, Matthews and the other members of the hate-filled left would actually take the time see reality, they might not look so foolish when they make their outlandish claims.

One aspect of the event made it undeniably superior to other rallies of comparable size: the area was cleaner when they were done than it was before they started.

Not only was the rally akin to a “huge church picnic” (in one Journal reporter’s description), but one had to wonder if the over-achievers in this crowd actually left the area in better shape than they found it.

After the event, walking from the Lincoln Memorial’s reflecting pool through Constitution Gardens, this reporter scanned 360 degrees and could not see a scrap of trash anywhere. Participants and volunteers had collected all their refuse and left it piled neatly in bags around the public garbage cans. Near Constitution Avenue, I did encounter one stray piece of paper—but too old and faded to have been left that day.

Contrast that with how Obama supporters left the mall after they were done so rudely singing “Na-na-na-na. Hey! Hey! Goodbye!” to George W. Bush:

Here is a video showing how the participants of the Restoring Honor cleaned up in a way that Obama’s supporters didn’t even dream of doing:

And although Glenn Beck himself claimed to disagree with the final two paragraphs, they are relevent:

The conservative Mr. Beck’s ability to draw this many people to Washington may suggest enormous gains for Republicans come the fall. But the GOP shouldn’t expect voters to simply hand them a congressional majority without making them earn it. If pregame chatter and off-season optimism translated into victory, the New York Jets and the Washington Redskins would meet in the Super Bowl every year.

Between Saturday’s crowd in Washington and the tea partiers agitating for limited government, we may be witnessing the rebuilding of the Reagan coalition, the “fusion” of religious and economic conservatives that political theorist Frank Meyer once endorsed. Reagan always believed that the Republican Party was the natural home for this movement, but GOP leaders in Washington need to prove they are worthy of it.

Yes, they do.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Glenn Beck’s ‘Happy Warriors’
James Freeman
Wall Street Journal
August 31, 2010

Gretchen Carlson Smacks Down Robert Gibbs

Too bad the newsreaders at ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN don’t have the guts or werewithal to ask the tough questions and hold fast to a demand for straight answers. Also note that Gibbs is caught in bold-faced lie about Obama’s stated position on the surge back in 2007. (For reference, see the inset videos of Obama speaking back in 2007.)

This is priceless:

Is Gibbs a pathological liar or is he really that clueless about his boss?

Where Are The Jobs? Why Are So Few Hiring?

I’ve seen alot of squawking on the Internet about how corporations and businesses are sitting on $8 trillion in assets but won’t hire new workers. As the husband of a woman who owns a small business, I have yet to see any of that $8 trillion in my wife’s bookkeeping.

But, even if that $8 trillion really existed, the question of so few hirings would have nothing to do with that money and have everything to do with government constantly intervening in economic matters, usually at the expense of the economy in general.

John Stossel has this to say about why there are so few new hires right now:

The problem today is that the economy is not being left alone.

Instead, it is haunted by uncertainty on a hundred fronts. When rules are unintelligible and unpredictable, when new workers are potential threats because of Labor Department regulations, businesses have little confidence to hire.

President Obama’s vaunted legislative record not only left entrepreneurs with the burden of bigger government, it also makes it impossible for them to accurately estimate the new burden.

In at least three big areas — health insurance, financial regulation, and taxes — no one can know what will happen.

New intrusive rules for health insurance are yet to be written, and those rules will affect hiring, since most health insurance is provided by employers.

Thanks to the new 2,300 page Dodd-Frank finance regulatory act, The Wall Street Journal reports, there will be “no fewer than 243 new formal rule-makings by 11 different federal agencies.”

These as-yet unknown rules will govern lending to business and other key financial activity.

The George W. Bush tax cuts might be allowed to expire. But maybe not. Social Security and Medicare are dangerously shaky. Will Congress raise the payroll tax? A “distinguished” deficit commission is meeting. What will it do? Recommend a value-added tax?

Who knows? But few employers will commit to a big investment with those clouds hanging over our heads.

It wouldn’t matter if the assets totaled more than $8 quadrillion or $8 quintillion. With uncertainty like this coming out of the Obama White House and the Pelosi-Reid Congress, hiring on the scale we need to boost the economy is not going to happen anytime soon.

You can access the complete column on-line here:

Big Government Policies Aren’t Creating New Jobs
John Stossel
August 24, 2010

Obama: Okay Hosting Muslim Function, Says No To “Christian Character” Of “God And Country” Rally

I said it before, and I’ll say it again: “If it weren’t for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all.”

So, the Obama administration refuses to allow Flyovers for the “God and Country” rally in Nampa, Idaho because of the “Christian Character” of the rally.

Pentagon Denies Flyover of Patriotic ‘God and Country Rally’ in Nampa Idaho Because of its Christian Content
George Vogt
Metro Catholic
July 4, 2009

This marks the first time in the 42 year history of the event that a flyover request was denied by the Pentagon.

The event is held ever year to honor the spiritual foundations of our country with a special emphasis on the men and women who serve in the armed forces.

In past years, the “God and Country Rally” has focused on honoring and paying tribute to those veterans who have served our nation in the past and those who are currently on active duty.

At the rally this year, all five branches of the armed services were featured with over 60 new recruits sworn into the military at the event.

After a phone conversation and an e-mail response from the Pentagon, Rally Director Patti Syme says they were denied the request for a flyover this year because of the “Christian” nature of the event.

But, the Obama administration is perfectly fine with hosting a Muslim event right in the White House.

Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan
White House Press Release
August 11, 2010

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.

So, it’s okay to say “no” because of “Christian Character” but then turn around and say yes to Muslims in the name of “justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

I wonder how dignified women feel when they are subjugated by Sharia law and what Barack Obama’s position on this is?

I know alot of you out there are going to say that Bush did the same thing at Ramadan, but Bush did not cancel flyovers for the God and Country rally saying the event was too “Christian.” Still, I’d also like to know Bush’s position on the subjugation of women under Sharia law.

Virginia Attorney General Rules Police Can Check Immigration Status

In a move similar to Arizona’s SB1070, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has ruled that law enforcement officials in Virginia can check on the immigration status of suspects when they are arrested. This almost seems like Richmond daring the Obama Administration to launch a lawsuit directly across the Potomac River.

From Fox News:

In a decision that could lay the groundwork for an Arizona-style immigration policy, Virginia’s attorney general said state law enforcement officers are allowed to check the immigration status of anyone “stopped or arrested.”

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued the legal opinion Friday extending that authority to Virginia police in response to an inquiry over whether his state could mirror the policies passed into law in Arizona.

“It is my opinion that Virginia law enforcement officers, including conservation officers may, like Arizona police officers, inquire into the immigration status of persons stopped or arrested,” he wrote.

If Barack Obama was hoping that the immigration issue would “go away” after leftist judge Susan Bolton gutted the Arizona law, he must be sorely disappointed at this point.

Also, coming on the heels of a Federal judge allowing a Virginia lawsuit against Obamacare to move forward, this comes as a double whammy.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Virginia Attorney General Rules Police Can Check Immigration Status
August 2, 2010

With Mid-Term Disaster Looming, Dems Backtrack On ‘Racist Tea-Party’ Rhetoric

It appears that the Dems are beginning to understand exactly what is going to happen to their party come November. Why else would Vice President Joe Biden declare that the Tea Parties were “not racist” when that has been the mantra of the Dems and their media allies for over a year?

From the Washington Times:

“Very conservative, very different views on government and a whole lot of things,” Biden said during an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “But it is not a racist organization.”

President Barack Obama doesn’t think so, either, Biden said.

Looks like panic mode has been achieved.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Biden: Tea Party Isn’t Racist Organization
Associated Press via Washington Times
July 18, 2010

Justice Department Suit Against Arizona Imminent, Official Says

It’s a sad day when the President of the United States sides with illegals over legitimate American citizens. This action shows where Obama’s heart really is, and it is not with the American people.

From Fox News:

Obama and other top officials have criticized the law as misguided, while Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has slammed the administration for pursuing a lawsuit. She claims the administration has not done enough to secure the border — a charge the administration denies.

Brewer told Fox News in June that Arizona would not back down from its law.

“We’ll meet them in court … and we will win,” she said, calling the administration’s actions a “disappointment.”

The Arizona law has touched off an intense national debate over immigration. The results of any court challenge would have wide-ranging implications, as a number of other states and jurisdictions have taken up tough immigration policies similar to Arizona’s.

The Obama administration has meanwhile tried to use the law as the impetus to prod Congress into tackling an immigration bill. While Arizona lawmakers defend their law as necessary to patrol the border, Obama described it last week as “unenforceable” and a vehicle for civil rights abuse. He said a “national standard” is needed and that he won’t “kick the can down the road” any longer.

There’s only one problem with Obama’s statements on the issue: The Arizona law mirrors current Federal law.

Lack Of Leadership In The Immigration Debate
Michael Zuckerman
CBS News
May 12, 2010

That’s right, 8 USC 1357 is the same law except that it is more permissive in it’s enforcement. The Arizona law is much more restrictive in how it can be applied.

Also remember that Eric Holder admitted that he had never read the Arizona law before offering criticism for it.

Far from being post-racial or any kind of a uniter, this latest action shows Obama in his true colors. He is a race-hustler and a class-warfare scam artist who holds non-Americans in higher regard than he holds legitimate Americans.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Justice Department Suit Against Arizona Imminent, Official Says
Fox News with Mike Levine
July 6, 2010

What? Mexico Wants To Dictate Internal U.S. Law?

This is nothing but complete hypocritical arrogance on the part of the Mexican government. Mexico encourages its citizens to illegally enter the U.S. and then turns around and slaps us in the face if we try to enforce our own, very Constitutional, immigration law.

First, let’s remember that Mexico is the progenitor of one of the largest human rights violations crises in the Western Hemisphere thanks to their own policy of dealing with illegals inside their own borders. You can read about those violations here:

Letters To Webb And Warner Concerning Mexican Immigration Policy

From Fox News:

Mexico on Tuesday asked a federal court in Arizona to declare the state’s new immigration law unconstitutional, arguing that the country’s own interests and its citizens’ rights are at stake.

Their own interest? Let’s see what that means. That means they can allow their drug lords unfettered access to the American border. That means they can send their citizens across the border to get free medical care from our Emergency Room’s at the expense of the American taxpayer. That means they can go on kidnapping and raping illegals within their own borders but cry foul at the very humane treatment we give illegals here. It’s all propanganda and Obama and the media have bought it hook, line and sinker.

Did you ever hear the joke about the Mexican who brought a knife to a gunfight? Well this case is a joke about a Mexican lawyer who brought an arrogant attitude to a Constitutional fight. If these Mexican lawyers were so good, then why didn’t they read 8 U.S.C. 1357. Had they done so, they would realize how idiotic their suit is considering that Arizona’s law is a mirror of existing Federal law. Before they can go after Arizona, they have to go after the U.S. Federal government. Do you think Obama is going to allow that?

Speaking of Obama, if he shows preference for the Mexicans over American citizens, then this nation will be entering into a dark age in which violence may very well result. Obama and his leftists cronies cannot keep throwing fuel onto this fire without expecting a flash-over at some point.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Mexico Joins Suit Against Arizona’s Immigration Law, Citing ‘Grave Concerns’
Fox News
June 23, 2010

Obama Turning The Corner On The Gulf Oil Spill?

After all the rhetoric Obama and his cronies spewed last week, they apparently seem to think the crisis is over since their attention is no longer focused on the spill.

According to Michael D. Shear of the Washington Post:

Has the president turned the corner on the oil drilling crisis?

This week’s schedule for President Obama suggests that the White House believes he has. After dominating the conversation in Washington all last week, the environmental crisis in the Gulf of Mexico does not appear front and center on the White House calendar.

Not that the West Wing can afford to take their eye off the ball, as chief of staff Rahm Emanuel acknowledged yesterday during a rare Sunday morning television appearance.

“What’s important is, are we capping the well?,” he told ABC’s Jake Tapper on the network’s “This Week” program. “Are we capturing the oil? Are we containing the clean-up? Are we filing the claims? Are we also cleaning up the mess? That’s what’s important.”

But the administration is clearly expecting — maybe hoping — that the intense public attention on the spill fades a bit, starting with this week, giving them a chance to turn to other subjects.

Wait a minute! We are entering Summer vacation time and a large segment of America’s vacation region is being threatened by a massive oil spill and the White House actually believes that our attention can be directed elsewhere? This is just another attempt by Obama to cover-up his own incompetence at handling the situation.

Here is what Obama has planned as a diversion:

For the rest of the week, Obama and his aides hope they can focus on Afghanistan, health insurance reform, relations with Russia (whose president arrives for a visit on Thursday) and the global economy.

Obama departs Thursday for Canada for the G-20 gathering of the world’s largest economies. Ahead of the meeting, the president warned the group last week that members must redouble their prior commitments or risk allowing the global economy to sink once again.

Tuesday’s meeting with state health care commissioners is another chance for Obama to remind the public of the benefits he predicts will come from the massive overhaul of the nation’s health-care system.

And Tuesday night’s White House celebration of gay and lesbian pride month should be an upbeat event for Obama. That constituency — which has been angry about the slow pace of some changes — is likely to be happier at this year’s version of the annual event, as Congress is on the verge of ending the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Yes! God forbid that the worst environmental disaster in the Gulf take any time away from pandering to the radical agenda of gays and lesbians! Clearly listening to the complaints of the gay community is more important than solving the problem that is putting thousands of people in the Gulf region out of work and destroying the livelihood of thousands more!

Whatever complaints the Dems had about the way George W. Bush handled Katrina, Obama has proven to be at least twice as bad.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Turning The Corner On The Gulf Oil Spill?
Michael D. Shear
Washington Post
June 21, 2010

FACT CHECK: Obama Left Blanks In Oil Spill Speech

Calvin Woodward of the Associated Press looks into Obama’s speech from last night and how certain claims stacked up against reality:

OBAMA: “We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused and we will do whatever’s necessary to help the Gulf Coast and its people recover from this tragedy. … Tomorrow, I will meet with the chairman of BP and inform him that he is to set aside whatever resources are required to compensate the workers and business owners who have been harmed as a result of his company’s recklessness. And this fund will not be controlled by BP. In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner, the account must and will be administered by an independent, third party.”

THE FACTS: An independent arbiter is no more bound to the government’s wishes than an oil company’s. In that sense, there is no certainty BP will be forced to make the Gulf economy whole again or that taxpayers are off the hook for the myriad costs associated with the spill or cleanup. The government can certainly press for that, using legislative and legal tools. But there are no guarantees and the past is not reassuring.

It took 20 years to sort through liability after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, and in the end, punitive damages were slashed by the courts to about $500 million from $2.5 billion. Many people who had lost their livelihoods in the spill died without ever seeing a check.


OBAMA: “In the coming days and weeks, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of the well.”

THE FACTS: BP and the administration contend that if all goes as planned, they should be able to contain nearly 90 percent of the worst-case oil flow. But that’s a big “if.” So far, little has gone as planned in the various remedies attempted to shut off or contain the flow. Possibly as much as 60,000 barrels a day is escaping. BP would need to nearly triple its recovery rate to reach the target.


OBAMA: Temporary measures will capture leaking oil “until the company finishes drilling a relief well later in the summer that is expected to stop the leak completely.”

THE FACTS: That’s the hope, but experts say the relief well runs the same risks that caused the original well to blow out. It potentially could create a worse spill if engineers were to accidentally damage the existing well or tear a hole in the undersea oil reservoir.


OBAMA: “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge of the largest environmental cleanup effort in our nation’s history.”

THE FACTS: Early on, the government established a command center and put Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen in charge of coordinating the overall spill response. But officials also repeatedly have emphasized that BP was “responsible” and they have relied heavily on BP in making decisions from hiring cleanup workers to what oil dispersing chemicals to use. Local officials in the Gulf region have complained that often they don’t know who’s in charge _ the government or BP.


OBAMA: “We have approved the construction of new barrier islands in Louisiana to try and stop the oil before it reaches the shore.”

THE FACTS: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and local officials pleaded for weeks with the Army Corps of Engineers and the spill response command for permission to build about 40 miles of sand berms along the barrier islands.

State officials applied for an emergency permit to build the berms May 11, but as days went by Jindal became increasingly angry at federal inaction. The White House finally agreed to a portion of the berm plan on June 2. BP then agreed to pay for the project.

The corps was worried that in some cases such a move would alter tides and drive oil into new areas and produce more harm than good.


OBAMA: “Already, I have issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling. I know this creates difficulty for the people who work on these rigs, but for the sake of their safety and for the sake of the entire region, we need to know the facts before we allow deepwater drilling to continue.”

THE FACTS: Obama issued a six-month moratorium on new permits for deepwater drilling but production continues from existing deepwater wells.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

FACT CHECK: Obama Left Blanks In Oil Spill Speech
Calvin Woodward
AP via
June 16, 2010

Democrat Bob Etheridge (D-NC) Assaults Student On Street

Uh-oh! The Dems are really getting nervous now as November approaches and the mid-term elections are now being billed as a referendum on Obama’s radical agenda.

So, it is no surprise that a Democrat Congressman from North Carolina would react in such a vile and uncivil manner to being asked a simple question by a couple of students on the street. However, this does not make his act any less illegal than it was. Etheridge assaulted and illegally detained a young man. (He grabbed the student by the arm thereby arresting his movements and then grabbed him around the neck.)

I doubt you will see this on ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN nor will it be on the front page of either the Washington Post or New York Times. You see, Etheridge isn’t a Conservative Republican.

“I Do Think At A Certain Point, You’ve Made Enough Money”

On April 29th, 2010, Barack Obama made the following statement:

I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.

Well, what about Obama’s friends and donors? At what point did they make enough money? Glenn Beck asks that question without speaking a single word:

Note the final question at the end:

Mr. President, why don’t you ask your friends to set the example on how much is too much?

Riot Police Called Out Against Senior Citizen Tea Party

So, we can’t secure the border but we can call out the SWAT team against unarmed grandparents? Who is the numb-nuts at the Secret Service that decided to squander taxpayer money this way? I think that person should have the cost of this ridiculous use of law enforcement assets taken out of their paycheck.

You can see more photos and video and read about this idiocy here:

Gateway Pundit
April 28, 2010

Iran Laughing At Obama’s Nuclear Retaliation Policy

The announcements made yesterday were beyond belief. Obama has actually come out and said that he will not retaliate against anyone who uses chemical or biological weapons against American citiziens. Whatever happened to the man who claimed that he had “no patience or tolerance” for those who would attack innocent civilians?

Now, the Iranians are laughing at us. From the Associated Press via Google:

Iran’s hard-line president has ridiculed President Barack Obama’s new strategy aimed at reducing the likelihood of nuclear conflict.

Obama on Tuesday announced new rules constraining the use of America’s nuclear arsenal, vowing not use nuclear weapons against countries that do not have them. However, Iran and North Korea were not included in that pledge because they do not cooperate with other countries on nonproliferation standards.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, addressing thousands in northwestern Iran on Wednesday, likened Obama to a “cowboy” and called him an inexperienced newcomer who follows the will of Israel. Ahmadinejad said the U.S. president “can’t do a damn thing.”

Weren’t countries like Iran supposed to start liking us after Obama got elected? Seems like the rhetoric coming out of Tehran is worse than it ever was under George W. Bush.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Iran Ridcules Obama’s Nuclear Strategy
Associated Press via Google
April 7, 2010

Polls Apart: Democrats Should Not Bank On Obama In November

This Congress has been under more scrutiny than any other Congress in modern history. That means that Representatives and Senators will not be able to hide their voting records behind rhetoic or spin without the general population being able to identify them as either ignorant or liars. A year ago, the Democrats didn’t seem very worried about that. But they better be worried about it now. In fact, it is a wonder that many of the freshmen Dems who won seats from traditionally Republican districts are even bothering to run for re-election after the disaster they have created for themselves by following Barack Obama off of a cliff.

And even though the next Virginia Senate race isn’t until 2012, Jim Webb is already beginning his campaign by sending out emails filled with lies about Tea Party supporters and insults towards the Republicans. Apparently Webb knows better than to highlight his own unpopular voting record. But people like me will be there to remind everyone of exactly what type of leftist Jim Webb is. Again, it is a wonder why he is even considering running for re-election since he cannot hide from his voting record which will clearly show how he has helped to run up a debt that our grand-children won’t be able to pay and how he is in favor of more unwanted government intrusion into our lives. Warner will be gone two years behind Webb.

Writing for the Weekly Standard, Jonathan V. Last tells us why:

When the president took office in January 2009, Gallup measured his overall job approval at 67 percent, with 86 percent of blacks approving. Since then, blacks have shown an increasingly favorable opinion of him.

Using Gallup’s data, blacks push Obama’s overall number up by about 5 points; using Rasmussen’s by roughly 7 points.

The median congressional district has a black population of only 6.41 percent.

This uneven dispersal magnifies the disparity of approval between Obama’s base and the rest of the country. If relatively few congressional districts look like America, then in most congressional districts Obama’s job approval is likely to be lower—anywhere from 2 to 7 points lower—than the national average.

That will spell major difficulties for the Dems this November. They might want to seriously rethink that thunderous applause they gave when they shoved Nationalized Health Care down our throats.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

Polls Apart: Why Imperiled Congressional Democrats Can Take No Solace From Obama’s Approval Ratings
Jonathan V. Last
The Weekly Standard
March 29, 2010

Freedom Dies With Thunderous Applause: Democrats Shove Government Health Care Down Our Throats

The vote on a government takeover of Health Care last night was sickening. What was even more sickening was the fact that when the final tally was in, the Democrats stood up and gave themselves a standing ovation.

It reminded me of what Amadala said in Star Wars: Episode III: “So, this is how freedom dies. With thunderous applause.”

If this bill is not killed in the courts for it’s unconstitutionality, in addition to higher taxes, here is what we will be looking forward to:

Cruel And Neglectful Care Of One Million British Patients Exposed

Man Collapses With Ruptured Appendix … Three Weeks After It Was Removed

More Reasons Why We Do Not Want Socialized Medicine

Statement From The American College Of Surgeons Regarding Disinformation Being Spread By Barack Obama

Oregon Woman Denied Medicine, Offered Assisted Suicide Instead

Another Look At Socialized Medicine From A Canadian Doctor

A Look At Socialized Medicine Through The Eyes Of A British Oncologist

Another Example Of The Horrors That Socialized Medicine Will Bring Us

Socialized Medicine: Enforcing Your Duty To Die

Another Example Of What Awaits Us In A Socialized Medicine System: Father Dies In Waiting Room While In Intense Pain

Do You Agree With Barack Obama’s Statement Of December 20, 2005?

I agree with this:

“The TANF program affects millions of American children and families and deserves a full and fair debate. Under the rules, the reconciliation process does not permit that debate. Reconciliation is therefore the wrong place for policy changes and the wrong place for the proposed changes to the TANF program. In short, the reconciliation process appears to have lost its proper meaning. A vehicle designed for deficit reduction and fiscal responsibility has been hijacked to facilitate reckless deficits and unsustainable debt.”

The problem is that Obama and other Democrats have flip-flopped and don’t agree with their own statements anymore. I guess being a hypocrite is easier than maintaining consistent standards for everyone.

The New Tax Rebellion Has Begun

So, how have you benefitted from the 67,500 word document known as the U.S. Tax Code? Probably not at all. In fact, just having a job and living here in the U.S. means that it has touched you in multiple negative ways although you may not have realized it. Do you think that the prices you pay for goods and services are not artificially inflated by that tax code? If so, you think wrong.

But there is good news coming from middle America. People everywhere are starting to wake up to the fact that our tax code is destructive to everyday taxpayers while only being beneficial to Congress and a few wealthy people who have enough money to make Congress listen to them. That’s why the current rebellion is underway. If you wish to become one of the rebels, just go to the following website:

On-Line Tax Revolt

Here is what Micheal Reagan has to say:

Tea Party patriots, FairTaxers, Flat Taxers, and most Americans of every political persuasion understand that the federal tax system fuels unchecked government spending, hides the cost of government from the American taxpayer and has become corrupted into indecipherability by Congressional profits and power. Citizens are coming together from across the political spectrum and across the nation to wake Washington up to the voice of the American people.

Citizens are rejecting the idea that huge government borrowing and debt has been secured by pledging the future earnings of generations of Americans not yet born.

That is where Obama, Pelosi and Reid made their mistake and where charlatans like Jim Webb and Mark Warner exposed themselves for what they really are: Socialists who think nothing of stealing the futures of our children and grandchildren.

I do not recall one single person during the last election cycle who said that they wanted to pass along trillions of dollars worth of debt to succeeding generations. But somewhere in there, the Dems have convinced themselves that this is what they heard.

This November, we need to send a message back to D.C. that our children and granchildren are worht fighting for, and if Congress won’t fight for them, then we will replace our Representatives and Senators with people who will.

You can access the complete article on-line here:

The Next American Tax Rebbellion Has Begun
Michael Reagan
March 1, 2010