ABC’s Charlie Gibson ‘Didn’t Know’ About The ACORN Videos?

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin on this one.

ACORN Watch: Charlie Gibson And The Ostrich Media
Michelle Malkin
September 15, 2009

From which we glean the following:

Charlie Gibson told WLS-AM Chicago talk show hosts Don Wade and Roma this morning that the reason he hasn’t covered the ACORN scandal is that he didn’t know about it.

Reader Patrick M. e-mails:

While listening to Don Wade and Roma this morning on WLS AM Chicago, they had Charlie Gibson on as their usual Tuesday morning guest. Don asked Charlie, why, after the senate last night voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three of those video tapes of ACORN employees helping the pimp and prostitute set up shop, there was no mention of it anywhere on the network news. Charlie gave out a most uncomfortable laugh and said that that was the first he heard of it!

Don and Roma pointed out that ABC’s Jake Tapper reported on the Census Bureau’s decision to drop ACORN from its data collection partnerships on Friday as a result of’s video stings.

Now, how is it possible that a Joe Average American like me, with nothing more than my computer terminal hooked up to the Internet, was able to gather all of the following information over the past week:

VIDEO: ACORN Aids And Abets Child Sex Trade

A Second set Of Videos Exposing ACORN

New Videos Showing 3rd ACORN Office Offering Advice On Prostitution Ring

Glenn Beck: 2, Obama Administration: 0

And yet, Charlie Gibson, with the vast resources of ABC at his disposal was somehow so insulated that he “didn’t know?”

This is why Gibson can only be accurately described as a DNC newsreader rather than any kind of real journalist. In the immortal words of the Nickelodeon Television series iCarly, Gibson is a “nub.”

If anyone from ABC wishes to take issue with my analysis, please feel free to respond.

One Response

  1. Hey Charlie we are not buying this crap.

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