Dr. James Hansen Gets It Wrong Again

Word is slowly getting out about the hoax of man-made global warming. As more legitimate and accurate scientific data gets out to the masses, the global alarmists are resorting to more and more propaganda, half-truths and sometimes outright lies.

Dr. James Hansen is one of those alarmists and his theories are is such a state of decline now that he is pushing bad data to shore up his ever failing reputation.

Christopher Booker at the London Telegraph has this story.

A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

This was startling. Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand. China’s official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its “worst snowstorm ever”. In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month, and ranked it as only the 70th-warmest October in 114 years.

So, what happened? Why did Dr. Hansen decree it to be the warmest October on record? Because he used bad data. In fact, he recycled old data to make his measurements. He used Russian data from September and inserted it into October.


A GISS spokesman lamely explained that the reason for the error in the Russian figures was that they were obtained from another body, and that GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with. This is an astonishing admission: the figures published by Dr Hansen’s institute are not only one of the four data sets that the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted, since they consistently show higher temperatures than the others.

Hmmm. Obviously, the IPCC is more interested in the politics of global warming than they are in the legitimate science.

This isn’t the first time Dr. Hansen has had his claims debunked. His famous “hockey stick” model was shown to be a fraud in 2007 when it was discovered that the satellites taking the temperature readings were improperly calibrated. When the temperatures were adjusted for the proper calibration, it turns out that the hottest years on record were in the 1930’s, not the 1990’s.

If fact, the National Oceanographic and Atmospherics Administration (NOAA) did a better job of getting good data. Note the following map showing that temperature change across the United States was mostly “normal” or showed a cooling trend so far in 2008:

You can access the complete article on-line here:

The World Has Never Seen Such Freezing Heat
Christopher Booker
The London Telegraph
November 16, 2008

And more information on this issue here:

James Hansen’s Boldest Lie To Date
Hennessy’s View
November 10, 2008

Watts Up With That

Climate Audit

6 Responses

  1. […] the Capitol while speaking about Global Warming on a hot day in 1988.”  I also mentioned his exposure of bad data for Russia just this past October.  He used September data (a statistically warmer month) in place of cooler […]

  2. […] in the Capitol while speaking about Global Warming on a hot day in 1988.”  I also mentioned his exposure of bad data for Russia just this past October.  He used September data (a statistically warmer month) in place of cooler […]

  3. […] in the Capitol while speaking about Global Warming on a hot day in 1988.”  I also mentioned his exposure of bad data for Russia just this past October.  He used September data (a statistically warmer month) in place of cooler […]

  4. Sorry, but I can’t agree with you. I do not like that approach. But it’s a beneficial start. Maybe with some a great deal more information’s I may be able to know it much better?

  5. […] Dr. James Hansen Gets It Wrong Again « 84RULESWord is slowly getting out about the hoax of man-made global warming. As more legitimate and … Dr. James Hansen is one of those alarmists and his theories are is such a state of decline now that he is pushing bad data to shore up his ever failing reputation. … Christopher Booker at the London Telegraph has this story. […]

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