Harry Reid’s Arrogant Hypocrisy

No campaigning today due to the 9/11 Remembrance.

But I do want to share something with you that Old Media and the leftist blogs and websites probably only half-reported.

According to The Hill:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday questioned Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for not scheduling time away from his presidential campaign to participate in Senate votes.

With 56 days left until Election Day, Reid used an afternoon press conference to note that McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, is not planning to attend the Senate’s debate this week on the Department of Defense policy bill.

Reid did not raise the likely absence of Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.), the Democratic presidential candidate, or Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), Obama’s running mate, from votes.

Imagine that. Harry Reid forgot to mention that two Senators from his own party are missing votes just like the singleton John McCain.

You can access the complete column (and hypocrisy of Harry Reid) on-line here:

Reid Calls McCain Out For Skipping Votes (But Neglects To Mention Two Absent Democrats: Obama And Biden)
J. Taylor Rushing
The Hill
September 9, 2008

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