But Children Are Off-Limits! And A Fake Republican Used At The Democrat Convention

I clearly remember Barack Obama saying that the children of political figures were off-limits. Apparently, his surrogates on the Internet and in Old Media don’t give a damn what he says since they are still ripping into Bristol Palin and her mother, Sarah.

However, I have heard damned little of this story about Hunter Biden from Old Media, who should have been reporting it the moment Obama named Joe Biden as his running mate.

From the Washington Post:

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.

The Democratic vice presidential candidate’s son Hunter, 38, and brother James, 59, assert instead that their former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with felony convictions.

The legal actions have been playing out in New York State Supreme Court since 2007, and they focus on Hunter and James Biden’s involvement in Paradigm Companies LLC, a hedge fund group. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, briefly served as president of the firm.

A lawsuit filed by their former partner Anthony Lotito Jr. asserts in court papers that the deal was crafted to get Hunter Biden out of lobbying because his father was concerned about the impact it would have on his bid for the White House. Biden was running for the Democratic nomination at the time the suit was filed.

You can access that story on-line here:

Biden’s Son, Brother Named in Two Suits
The Washington Post
August 24, 2008

So, Hunter Biden, age 38, may be involved in something criminal and the left-leaning press doesn’t care. But when Bristol Palin, age 17, does something that makes her human everyone on the left goes crazy.

What Chutzpuh!

And speaking of that, what about Barney Smith, the so-called “life-long Republican” who spoke at the Democrat Convention in Denver? Well, read this from Prosper Group Think:

You may remember Barney Smith from Fairmount, Indiana. He spoke at the Democrat National Convention Thursday night and was one of the people who introduced Barack Obama. He will be remembered for the line “I want a president who cares more about Barney Smith than they do about Smith Barney.” A great well-written line that many people remember.

On Thursday night in Denver, when he introduced Barack Obama, he claimed to be a “lifelong” Republican. But it looks like the Democrats lied about his affiliation, or at minimum never took the time to check him out.

Barney Smith’s voter registration is clear. It shows that for the last 12 years he has voted in 3 primary elections. In 1996 he voted Democrat, in 2006 he voted Republican, and in 2008 he voted Democrat.

He may well have had Republican leanings, and how he voted in general elections is, of course, confidential. But would you say that voting in one Republican primary in the last 12 years would qualify a person to be a “lifelong” Republican?

You can access the complete story on-line here:

Democrats Use A Fake Republican From Grant County To Introduce Barack Obama
Prosper Group Think
September 2, 2008

You can access Mr. Smtih’s public voting record here:

Voting Record

Hardly what any rationally thinking person would call a “life-long Republican.” All of this is very reminiscent of CNN‘s stacking of the audience during the Republican Primary Debates:

CNN’s Dishonesty During GOP YouTube Debate
December 1, 2007

More CNN YouTube Plants Being Uncovered
December 1, 2007

Nothing like some blog posts to remind people of recent history.